Thursday, January 14, 2021

Watching YouTube at a Panera

 A couple of months ago, two days before Thanksgiving, our family was in Kansas City visiting Juli's brother and sister.  As is my habit, I found a cafe to enjoy a warm cup of coffee and do some devotional and personal reading.  I enjoy reading, studying, and working in public places because it gives you a window into the lives of others.  I chose a Panera Bread cafe for our two days in Overland Park, and one morning this is what I observed.

Watching YouTube at a Panera

The old man sits alone in a corner of a Panera Bread cafe, 

Watching YouTube videos loud enough for all to hear.

A gospel song by Elvis, 

And then something that sounds like the TV show, "Cops".

It's as if the wonderful world of YouTube - in all its awesomeness - all its banal glory - has suddenly opened up before this senior citizen in Overland Park.

On a cloudy, wet, and windy day - the day before Thanksgiving.

He has much for which to be thankful. 

Much for which to be thankful, indeed. - Shay