When I turned 20, I was excited to finally get into an adult decade. When I turned 30, I was excited because I felt like I might get a little more respect amongst my older colleagues. I also began to realize that I was the age Jesus was when he began to minister. Thankfully, I've had a longer ministry than Jesus though. That's the only thing that I'll ever outdo Jesus in!
Now that I've turned 40, I'm excited just because its always good to turn a day, a year, or even decade older. I have neither the dread of being in my 40s, nor am I feeling any kind of a mid-life crisis beginning to emerge. 40 just seems like one number more than 39, which felt like one year more than 38. I can safely say that each decade of my life has been better than the last. So, I expect the 40s to be the best decade yet! - Shay