Monday, April 11, 2011

Immersed in the Irish Sea

For the past couple of months, the Hutson, Karnes, and Smith families have been assisting a family from Nigeria with house worship.  The couple, John and Bridgette (I don't know how to pronounce their last name, let alone spell it) live with their 5 kids (aged 2 months to 7) in Balbriggan, about a half hour north of Dublin.  John and Bridgette have been Christians for a number of years and because its hard for them to get their massive family all the way down to the south of Dublin for worship, they've decided to create Christian community right where they live. 

A little over a month ago, John's friend Samuel began to join us for worship.  Samuel became interested in the Christian faith because of the passionate and faithful life of John.  9 days ago Samuel spent his Saturday afternoon in a deep study of God's word with John.  The following day, Scott Karnes and I had the privilege of hearing Samuel confess Christ as Lord and witnessing John baptize him in the Irish Sea.  It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and from where we stood on the beach we could see all the way to Northern Ireland where the Mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea.  I have no doubt that we'll be witnessing many more brothers and sisters being immersed into Christ in the Irish Sea over the next few years.  And I hope that John and Bridgette have a few spare chairs because their house worship is going to get crowded! - Shay     

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! I thank God that you guys are all there for such a time as this!
